SONflower Gal

You’ll LOVE our
SONflower Gal Blogazine

More Than A Blog & Not Quite A Magazine – Like a ‘Party In A Box’

A blend of creativity, entertainment, inspiration, heartwarming quick-read articles and digital treasures! 
Coming Soon … Featured fun gal guest speakers, delightful podcasters and so much more .

Designed to bring a smile to your face, joy to your heart, uplift, encourage and sometimes a tear to your eye … a true reflection of life’s complexities.

2nd issue just released

Delightful & Inspiring 🌼 Filled With Love & Joy

Our 2nd Issue

‘Solo Getaways’
Discover the desires of your heart.

  • Find Your Wings To Fly Again – Article
  • Solitude On Trips With Others – Article
  • Today I will Plan A Solo Getaway – Article
  • Solo Travel Safety Tips & Solo Reflection – Printables
  • Faith-Based Destinations – USA & International Travel
  • Her Heavenly Scripture – Infused With Joy
  • Her Devotional – Light & Love
  • Prayer & Prayer Reflection – Printable
  • Gift Shop Guide – Light & Love Collection
  • Gals & Goodies – Sunny De’Lights’ Recipe
  • Gals & Cinema – Solo Movie, Review, Summer Movie Guide
  • Summer Concert Guide – God Gal Artists

Our 1st Issue

A Card Is More Than Just A Card

  • Love In An Envelope – Article
  • Today I Will – Sprinkle Glitter – Article
  • Sprinkles of Glitter ‘List’ – Printable
  • Her Heavenly Scripture – Infused With Joy
  • Her Devotional – Fortitude & Grace
  • Lifting Up In Prayer – Printable
  • Gift Shop Guide – Fortitude & Grace
  • Gals & Goodies – Heavenly Cross Puff Pastries Recipe
  • Gals In Cinema – Movie News & Review

More Blogazine Issues Coming Soon

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